I walked back into the bedroom and asked him about it. He told me he did loan it out, but it was returned a long time ago. So I said, “Well, did you leave it at your office?” He says, “No.” Walking out of the room I mutter pretty accusingly, “Well, it’s not here and I KNOW I didn’t loan it out.”
He followed me back to the kitchen and within a half second he points out the very same cookbook I could not find. Egg in face and eating crow, I apologized profusely.
I can’t even tell you how many times in my life I have been utterly convinced I am right, only to find out later I was wrong. It happens, even with our best of intentions.
After my dad passed away my mom told me she was always yelling at him for dropping crumbs all over the house. But when he was gone she was still finding crumbs. With a sheepish grin, she looked at me and admitted, it was she who was leaving all the crumbs.
We all make mistakes, and yet we are so quick to blame. Take it from me, it is a much easier mess to clean up if we hesitate before pointing fingers.
Having said that….
September 12, 2015…. 9:12 am
This is the date and time I asked my husband to write down. It is one of the few times he can expect me to be at fault in our marriage. ;)