Because my knowledge is a mile wide and an inch deep I realized I had some more running tips I should share.
16. If you get a side ache while running there are things you can do. I’ve found ‘a’ to be the most helpful.
a. Pinch the side where there is a side ache. If the stitch is on your right side, exhale FORCEFULLY every time your left foot hits the ground. If the stitch is on your left side, exhale FORCEFULLY every time your right foot hits the ground. Continue this until the side ache is less painful or entirely gone.
b. Run with your hands on top of your head with your elbows pulled back and breathe deeply.
c. Stop running and bend sideways. Bend to the left if the side ache is on the right or bend to the right if the side ache is on the left.
d. If it continues, give up. Hurry home and google ‘side ache’. Then lie in bed for the next several nights convinced your side ache is proof you are dying of a deadly disease.
17. Don’t increase your weekly mileage too drastically, otherwise you risk injury. There’s various feedback online about what is a safe increase in mileage. Generally an increase of 10-20% in weekly mileage is safe. If you are already putting in some serious miles (hats off to you) then a 10% increase might be enough. If you are running 4x per week….3 miles each time…you could add 2.5 miles per week and it would be a 20% increase. Just be conscious. No need to be a rock star.
18. Heart rate monitors are helpful. If you don’t have GPS on your phone or on a watch, the heart rate monitor is your best guide for letting you know if your pace is too fast or if you can increase your pace. I'll be honest, I've never experienced the latter. Your heart rate is a great gauge for longer races so you don’t burn out a few miles in.
19. The roller is your best friend. It hurts so good. Your IT band can tighten up from a lot of running and can cause twinges on the outside of your knee. Rolling out your IT band on a regular basis helps…a lot.
Zombies, Run!
Be forewarned, if you listen to it while running in the woods on a trail system you are not familiar with, you could become lost while outrunning the zombies. You will then be forced to call your husband at work, ask him to pull up google maps and guide you back to your car. Your planned 45 minute run will have turned into a two hour experience. This leaves you with no choice but to visit Yogurtland on your way home to calm your fears of starving to death.
Bonus tip...Use the bathroom before your race. Passing people while they wait in line for the Porta Potty is the best, and quite honestly, the only way I can move up in the rankings.
Before I bid you adieu.... this is a follow up to item number 10 in my previous post… My waist band is from SPIbelt. I bought mine several years ago at the Rock and Roll Half Marathon. I love it!