Our first morning in Abel Tasman we woke up and drove to Golden Bay where we hiked through sheep pastures to a beautiful, white sandy beach. The water is aqua blue and wonderful. I practiced my ‘Warrior Three’ pose and this guy tried to show me up with his ‘Up Dog.’
We are staying at a privately owned rental on a sheep farm. Our view is fantastic and we can hear beautiful birds singing which I’ve never heard before. The cows are mooing and the crickets are amazing. The mosquitoes love Ryan’s blood….high HDL and low triglycerides.... they found themselves a feast.
After five hours exploring we decided to paddle our two hours back to base. In the same bay where we saw the Manta Rays there was no talking to be had. The winds had picked up a little bit and my sergeant would not allow me to talk or take any breaks. Must. Keep. Paddling.
It was phenomenal and I cannot wait to do it again one day soon!! I’m trying to talk Ryan into retiring here one day or at least renting a home for a few months at a time. We will see. I may have to bribe him with more sweaters and socks.