Ryan: No, it doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable.
Jill: Well then, I better ask some tougher questions.
Jill: Is there anything I haven’t written on my blog you wish I would write about?
Ryan: I think you should write more entries about going through the process of receiving your yoga teacher certification and what yoga has meant for you. Two things: what is it about yoga in itself that you find so invigorating and compelling? What is it about teaching yoga you find interesting?
Jill: Those are good questions. Seriously. I will do that.
Jill: If you could have one talent what would it be?
Ryan: I don’t know. I think singing would be cool. There was a time when I was playing the piano that I thought being able to sing and play the piano would be really cool.
Jill: It’s one of my favorite things when you play the piano. Seriously. I wish you did it every day. It’s my favorite.
Jill: If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
Ryan: I think time travel or the ability to stop time would be pretty cool. I think it would be neat to stop time and think of the perfect response or thing to say.
Jill: What’s your favorite thing about me?
Ryan: I have two favorite things. One of them is your sense of humor. You always know how to make me laugh. The second thing is your sense of nurturing. I always feel, and I’m sure the kids feel this as well, that you will always be there for them. You will always take care of them. You will always have their best interest at heart. There’s a sincerity to that I love.
Jill: Thank you!! I have many favorite things about you.
[Ryan laughing]
Jill: I love your sense of humor. I think you are also very nurturing. You care very very much. When you care about someone you care about them very deeply and you go out of your way to take care of them. You are a very generous person. You are very smart. You rarely, I used to say never, but now I say rarely, make me feel stupid.
[Ryan laughing]
Jill: I love that you challenge me intellectually, spiritually and emotionally.
Ryan: I appreciate that about you as well. I like the fact that we can have discussions about things. There are things you’ve said that not only have made me think, but changed my opinions or caused me to reevaluate my beliefs and thoughts on certain topics. I appreciate that a lot. I think it is rare to find someone who you just enjoy talking to.
Jill: As you were talking it made me think of another thing I appreciate. You are not stubborn. If I say something you hadn’t considered you will say “oh yeah, that’s a good point”, versus sticking with whatever opinion you walked into the room with.
Jill: If there is one thing you could change about me, what would it be?
Ryan: Other than your flatulence???
Jill: I knew that was going to come up. Dang it.
Jill: You don’t have to answer the question if you don’t want to.
Ryan: I would change your belief in yourself. I don’t think you give yourself enough credit. I think you have a tendency to discount your own abilities and your talents. You are far far more capable and smart than I think you give yourself credit for.
Jill: That’s really nice of you to say.
Jill: I just have two more questions. This one’s a really tough one. Are you ready?
Ryan: Yes.
Jill: If the house was burning down and you could only rescue one of us, between Milo and I, who would you rescue?
[Ryan is laughing uncomfortably.]
[Still laughing]
Jill: The fact you can’t even answer this is a little bit alarming.
[Both laughing]
Ryan: I would, of course, rescue you if the two of you were equally incapacitated.
Jill: This has nothing to do with my last question. If Milo could talk, which we both know he does, what would he say to you?
Ryan: I hope he would say that he loves me. He would also probably say he wants a friend.
Jill: Yes, yes he does love you and want a friend.
Jill: He’s just upset right now because you said you wouldn’t rescue him if the house is burning down.
[Both laughing]
This was the conclusion of the interview. However, halfway through my questions Ryan and I discussed his experience as being the spouse of someone grieving. It was a powerful section of the interview and deserved it's own special blog. Stay tuned...
My kids and my husband were great sports. They allowed me ask any question, record our conversations and then share the answers on my blog. At the start of each interview I requested they answer honestly, but I also told them I would remove any answer they didn't want me to share. There wasn't one answer they asked me to not include.
Thank you to my family for being willing participants. You all are my greatest treasures and I am truly blessed.