Sorry. I forgot what I wanted to say.
Countless studies have produced numerous benefits including, but not limited to, reduction in anxiety, stress, depression, help with addiction and an increase in attention and focus. Group meditation is being practiced in prisons resulting in 30% reduction in recidivism rates and fewer rule infractions. Meditation in schools are improving attendance rates by as much as 98%, reduction in suspensions by 45% and improvement in grade point averages as well as student proficiency scores.
The studies prove over and over again why implementing a daily meditation practice into your life is extremely beneficial. And yet…days go by and then I will think “Oh darn. I wanted to meditate today. Okay maybe tomorrow.” (Memory lapse??? I’m assuming so.)
So last night I actually created an entry in my calendar to remind me when I woke up this morning that I wanted to meditate.
I came up to my office, closed the door, pulled out my Hugger Mugger cushion and sat down on the floor. Hopped back up to let the dog in because mornings are our special time together and his little face broke my heart as I closed the door on him.
Sit back down, put on my headphones to listen to a meditation app timed for 15 minutes. Settle in…ahh….this is good. Doggie licks right hand…must be the peanut butter from my toast this morning. I brush him away. Okay… we go. Doggie licks left hand. Swat him away. Mmmmmm that peanut butter toast was good.
Focus on breathing…inhale….exhale….inhale…exhale.
This is going to be so good for me. Adam said it takes him a while to quiet the monkey mind and settle in. That’s interesting. Oh geesh….let go of that thought. Bye Adam….
I have an itch on the middle of my back. I was told I should just acknowledge the itch and be curious. Huh…the itch went away…interesting.
I’m going to write a blog about meditating. Maybe I’ll write about my experience today…
Oh wait…let it go. Don’t follow the thoughts. Exhale those thoughts…come back to my breath. Inhale…exhale. This is nice….
Maybe I’ll title the blog ‘Meditation and Peanut Butter Fingers’….no that’s stupid. Jesus….breath. Inhale….exhale…..
Settling in……inhale….exhale…..inhale…..exhale….inhale….exhale
Times up. That was nice. I’m going to do this again tomorrow IF……. I don’t forget.